Sewer & Wastewater Flow Meters for Municipal Water Treatment

Water and wastewater treatment facilities play an important role in the continuous production of a safe supply of high-quality drinking water. The operational processes can be complex and involve a wide range of water flow meter and measurement requirements.

Wastewater Flow Measurement Solutions:

Wastewater Flow Meters

Municipal applications demand the highest water flow meter accuracy and reliability, as well as long-term stability and a low cost-of-ownership/operation. Primary Flow Signal water measurement solutions meet the challenge by offering complete start-to-finish customization and exceptional customer service.

Our city water and sewer flow meters are designed to stand the test of time, industry standards and calibration requirements.

Wastewater Flow Meter Types

Venturi Flow Meters:

Low-pressure flow measurement. These can be cast iron, fabricated to meet your needs, plastic inserts or a classical venturi.

Wedge Flow Meters:

Dirty viscous fluids and slurries flow measurement. These meters are used for raw sewer flows, RAS/WAS applications, as well as, on other hard-to-measure liquids.

Specialty Flow Meters:

Running into the same issues each year with your current technology? We can provide custom meters for your unique metering needs.

Flow Meter Case Study

Project Highlight

Primary Flow Signal reconfigured existing 72” Venturi meters for a large municipality. Read our case study to learn about this project. 

City Water Flow Meter Services & Support

Industrial Water Treatment

Providing exceptional customer service is very important to us. That’s why we offer services and support for your flow measurement needs.

Contact us to find the right sewer or wastewater flow meter solution for your city or municipality